Therapeutic Consultations Ltd
Universities & colleges
Over 20 years of HE expertise
As a leader in the field of student mental health and wellbeing, I bring over 20 years’ experience of working in university services, most recently as head of counselling at the University of Cambridge. Chair of national executive committees and founding member of national research groups in student mental health and counselling, I bring an expert understanding of the sector to my work, having collaborated with many institutions since setting up my practice in 2021. I can help your university too through:
Reviewing student mental health and wellbeing services across your institution
Developing student support services or out-of-hour provision
Offering culturally appropriate services
Improving strategy across student wellbeing services
Recruiting and selecting student mental health, counselling and wellbeing staff
Supporting your teams while you recruit for specialist managers
Reviewing your application to the University Mental Health Charter
Improving the skillset of student services, pastoral and academic staff through specialist HE trainings
Follow this link to find out more about these trainings
Preventing staff burnout, improving practice across services, demonstrating quality assurance and governance by offering specialist HE supervision so that staff can:
Think through operational and clinical issues
Explore complex clinical and management matters
Address organisational and clinical challenges
Debrief after challenging situations
Manage the pressure and stress of their roles
Specialist HE clinical Supervision for mental health practitioners and therapists
Reflective practice supervision for wellbeing, welfare, disability, EDI or student support staff and advisors
Reflecting practice supervision for research staff to help them process and manage the emotions that arise due to the sensitive nature of projects (suicide, trauma, violence…)
Clinical consultations on challenging situations
Having created a mentoring scheme for HUCS (Heads of University Counselling Services), supporting over 35 heads of university counselling services, I frequently work with new heads of services.
At the University of Cambridge:
A pioneering programme of mindfulness practice adopted in other institutions globally
The first role of specialist support Sexual Assault and Harassment Adviser (SAHA) in the UK
A BAME counselling scheme developed in collaboration with the Student Union, presented at national level
Contributing to best practice and research in the field of student counselling and mental health through professional writing and specialist training
Editing best-practice guidance for the University and College counselling sector
Founding member of two research groups on student mental health
Creating a mentoring scheme for heads of university counselling services
Key roles:​
Chair EAIE Student and Alumni Services Committee
Strategy advisor – global universities in China
Chair of Academic Committee of China-UK University Counselling Association
Former roles
Head of Counselling, Cambridge University, overseeing a team of over 40 staff
Past Chair, Strategy Advisor and Executive Committee Member of the BACP Universities & Colleges Division
Past Chair and Member of the Executive Committee of the national group for Heads of University Counselling Services (HUCS)
Vice-Chair – Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education expert group (MWBHE) at Advance HE
Member of the Education Transitions Network Department for Education
Member of UUK Task Group: Mental Health in Higher Education Consent for Disclosure
Mental Health Foundation development board committee
Advisor - Alliance for Student-Led Wellbeing
Student Counselling Service Manager, Birmingham City University
On application
In addition, I charge travel and accommodation,
where required, when working away from Cambridge.
“I worked closely with Geraldine on the review of our Student Wellbeing Service structure and her expertise and insight were invaluable. Geraldine has also provided specialist support to a professional team within the Service which has supported their professional development and their ability to deliver an excellent student support service.”
Head of Student Wellbeing Service